Maybe it's Easy, Eating "Clean"?

Since I raise food I am often asked for recipes. Lately the requests have been for 'clean eating" recipes. To be honest, I wasn't even sure what that meant.

In fact, the phrase brought to mind an image of a haughty, over-organized person who wants to tell people what to do. "Eat THIS, don't eat THAT." Recipe blogs involving lots of raw kale and sprouts came to mind...

But I finally looked into it and found...clean eating has no set definition! Some say it means eating only raw and organic fruits and veggies year round. Some say it's going dairy/gluten/sugar free. Others claim it's making EVERYTHING from scratch. Some say animal protein will kill you. Some websites will sell you packets of powdered meal replacements that are "super clean!" Oh man...

It seems open to interpretation. So here is my personal interpretation:

  • Just eat real food, as minimally processed as possible.

  • Do your best to eat things that can grow in or near your backyard.

  • Enjoy it.

That's it. I feel like eating should be a pleasure, after all it's what makes everything else we do as humans possible. It's certainly no fun to make food decisions out of fear. Eating is essential to life, it shouldn't be stressful or rely on some factory formulation.

And that is a big part of why we farm - to offer real food from close to home and to raise it in a way that you can feel sound about. No factories or fear. :)

I hope you enjoy the rest of the week.  Wishing you well and thanks for being here!


"Our life is being frittered away by detail...simplify, simplify."
-Henry David Thoreau