It’s not business, it’s personal…

We believe food fuels our very lives and it should be cultivated with respect and integrity. Everything in our world is interconnected.  Every choice we make affects something else.

Many people have heard that nutrient-dense foods can help heal chronic health issues but they are suspicious of grocery store food choices. Deciphering the misleading and sometimes meaningless labels is tiring and confusing.

Then there is animal welfare and environmental impact to consider.  Did those animals live contented lives?  Did the cultivation of that food item destroy forest or soil somewhere? 

It leaves you wishing there was someone to worry about these things for you; someone you could ask who would actually know the answers or go looking for them by your side.

That is why we farm.  We want to know our food inside and out and we want to share with you. 

We farm in a way that acknowledges those relationships.   The Earth gives us everything we need to prosper.  It's our job to use it wisely and then give back.

Plants. Animals. People. Working together.